Tagged “JavaScript”
I want a standard API for event throttling and debouncing
I want to reconsider how bluetooth fits into the web
I want a memory-efficient way to get video frame pixel data from MediaStream
I want SVG to seamlessly blend with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
I want a simple API to stream the data for a file download in JavaScript
I want better production error reporting
I want to be able to pull a list of all custom properties on an element.
I want limited reactivity in the DOM/Web Components
I want to control time
I want a tooltip API
I want to host content from my browser
I want advanced tools for debugging minified code
I want a fully implemented and extensible SSML parser for Web Speech
I want local speech recognition for Web Speech
I want a video Worklet or
I want to add and remove tracks during a
sessionI want to be able to save/load debugger state
I want a Scroll Snap API
I want
to see changes viainnerHTML
I want an easy way to revert an element to its original
settingI want all new APIs to be supported in Web Workers (within reason)
I want JavaScript state management
I want control over when specific elements are painted
I want a system calendar API
Global keyboard shortcut event listeners
I want virtual keyboard related events
I want nested service workers
I want fail-over for resources
I want an overhaul of the Date object
I want the ability to indicate not to throttle resources for tab when it goes in background
I want browser “find” features to emit window events.
I want a screen brightness API
I want the ability to create a style-permeable
I want
to take an optional argument to choose the rounding functionI want to feel safe displaying user-generated HTML
I want easy access to common namespace URIs