I want a video Worklet or OfflineMediaContext

Submitted by guest271314

There is currently no browser API that has the capability to get all images from a video file without playing the video in HTML video element. Ideally, it should be possible to use a Worklet or some other means to get all images from a video file without having to pipe the video through a video element (and the internal implementations of Media Decoder, Media Encoder, and Web Media Player). Further, the images should be output as an array, using the gist of the language for Web Audio API OfflineAudioContext.startRendering() method. As a method of OfflineMediaContext (or similar), this would offer a way to render/mixing-down (potentially) faster than real-time. It would not render to the video hardware, but instead renders as quickly as possible, fulfilling the returned promise with the rendered result as an ImageBitmap or ReadableStream with underlying source set to each frame of input media as ImageBitmap data.

Multimedia JavaScript